
What We Learned After Our Exit(s)

This post is part of a Youtube/Podcast/Click-able Blog Series called “After The Exit” — the show where I interview CEO’s after they’ve sold their startup and have them share the lessons they learned in blood about business, relationships, and life. Look — you can learn a couple tips from how they built it, but the real wisdom — the moral of the story — comes at the end — after the exit.

Chris Ridenour

September 22, 2021

Nikki Ridenour

September 22, 2021

Should All Startups Be Delaware C-Corps?

Why are we even talking about incorporation? Why not just make money personally? The answer - legal risk (or liability) and taxes.

David Willbrand

September 22, 2021

Sloppy Legal Lost Me A $1.5mil Investment

Jumpdocs comes from the real experiences I had personally as a startup founder. I have a particular story that illustrates this in detail - and painfully.

Blake Smith

September 22, 2021

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